Capital: Vilnius
Official Language(s): Lithuanian
Location: Northern Europe, Baltic Region
Population: 2,793,722
Cities Visited: Vilnius and Trakai
Dates Traveled: September 23-24, 2019

My Experience:
Lithuania was the third country that I visited during my Baltic adventure trip during my semester in Berlin, Germany. The country that I was in before Lithuania was Latvia. I took a bus from Riga, Latvia to Vilnius Lithuania. Unfortunately, I had someone sitting next to me so this bus ride was not as glamorous. Upon arrival in Vilnius, I went inside the bus station and asked how to get to Trakai Caste, a beautiful castle island not far from from Vilnius. The lady told me which bus to take. In about 40 minutes, I was in Trakai. From the bus station, it was a wonderful 28 minute walk to the castle. The scenery in the town of Trakai and around the castle is beautiful. I walked around the island and around the perimeter of the castle. Then I walked along the shore and got some really good pictures of the castle. I finally had a day with blue skies!
Trakai Castle Trakai Town
I walked back to the Trakai bus station and took the bus back to Vilnius. By this time, my Airbnb was ready for check in. As usual, I picked a gorgeous Airbnb. I went grocery shopping and then stopped to see a church (pictured below). I was really tired and just wanted to relax so I made dinner and stayed in my Airbnb for the rest of the night. I had pizza again for dinner and was very disappointed. I have to be honest, the frozen pizzas in Europe absolutely suck compared to American frozen pizzas. I really miss a thick crusted American pizza. This pizza in Vilnius had pesto sauce and tomatoes on it which did not make me happy.
Saint Casimir Church
My last day of the trip greeted me with a 32 degree morning. I ate a quick breakfast and headed out to explore Vilnius. There were six locations that I desired to visit so I plugged all of them into Google Maps and began my journey. Vilnius did not feel at all like Tallinn or Riga. There was no real city square or touristy spot. Everyone was rushing to school and work and I was casually taking pictures of churches. I felt a bit awkward. The sights that I did see were quite beautiful though. I went back to my Airbnb, checked out, and went to the train station. The train from the main train station to the airport was only 70 cents and only 7 minutes long. I arrived at the airport three hours early because I had already seen everything that I wanted to in Vilnius and did not really have anywhere to go. The flight was perfectly fine (RyanAir). I landed in the other Berlin airport- Schönefeld. It took me a few minutes to figure out where the train station was in proximity to the airport since this was all new to me. The airport is outside of Berlin so I had to buy an extra ticket for public transport. I used two S Bahns to get home and the journey took just over an hour.
Church of Saint Constantine and Michael Vilnius Cathedral
Saint Anne Church
Lithuania definitely felt the most city like of all three of the Baltic countries that I visited. The city did not feel that touristy either. Lithuania was definitely the cheapest of the Baltic countries. Trakai was certainly one of the highlights of my time in Lithuania. Like I mentioned on my page about Latvia, I would not purposefully go back to Lithuania but would not be upset if I traveled there for some reason other than for leisure.