As I am living in Scotland for almost five months, I felt obligated to get a "taste" of the Scottish culture. After much research and recommendations from some of my Scottish friends, here are my top 12 Scottish Sweets and Savories:
1. Fish & Chips

What Is It?
This one is quite self-explanatory. However, Scotland having the World’s Best Fish & Chips. This title belongs to the Bay Fish & Chips in Stonehaven. The Bay uses locally-caught fish and potatoes from Cambridgeshire. The Bay has won numerous awards for their fish & chips, including top rankings on the world's top food experiences by the Lonely Planet Guide. There is even a trophy case inside the shop with their many awards.

My opinion:
With the queue out the door and waiting 30 minutes, I must say that the wait was well worth it. I thoroughly enjoyed my fish and chips (Standard Haddock & Chips). The fish was my favorite part and I wish I had ordered more. The batter was unique and complemented the fish very nicely. As I am normally not a fan of fries, I could have done without the chips. I would definitely go back to get more fish!
The Bay Fish & Chips (Stonehaven), and any regular Chipper in Scotland
2. Deep Fried Mars Bar

What is it?
This is also self-explanatory: a Mars Bar that is dipped in batter and then fried.
My opinion:
Apparently, the Deep Fried Mars Bar is a "must eat" when visiting Scotland, so I had to try it. If I did not already have enough fried food for the day, after eating Fish & Chips at the Bay, I thought that it was essential that I try the Fried Mars Bar. I was honestly nervous to try this. I do not really think that chocolate candy bars should be fried, but how bad could it be? It was not bad at all, I actually enjoyed it. Although when indulging on this Fried Mars Bar, I felt extremely unhealthy. I felt as though I was going to have a heart attack.

The origin of the Deep Fried Mars Bar is the Carron Fish Bar which is also in Stonehaven, only a ten minute walk from the Bay. Other Chippers and restaurants in Scotland now sell their own versions of the Deep Fried Mars Bar, however the original is in Stonehaven.
3. Irn-Bru

What is it?
Irn-Bru is basically the national soda of Scotland and is produced by A.G. Barr. This sweet orange soda is a favorite of the Scots. Do not be surprised to see one enjoying their Fish & Chips with a nice big bottle of Irn-Bru.
My opinion:
I was able to try Irn-Bru during my orientation and I did not like it at all. First, I do not like anything carbonated so that is certainly a contributing factor. Second, Irn-Bru tasted exactly like liquid bubblegum! All of the other Americans that tried this soda agreed with me, but if you ask someone from Scotland, they refuse to equate Irn-Bru with bubblegum. Perhaps this drink is an acquired taste.
Basically any supermarket, convenient store, or vending machine in Scotland.
4. Tunnock's Tea Cakes

What is it?
A shortbread biscuit with a heap of soft marshmallow on top, then covered completely with milk chocolate. These are often enjoyed with tea and coffee.
My opinion:
I really enjoy tea cakes! They are a perfect treat if you are craving something sweet. I have not had these with my morning or afternoon tea, but enjoy them regardless. I believe that we have something quite similar back home, although the marshmallow is not as puffy.

Any grocery store or convenient store. I got a pack of 6 for £1 at Pound Land near Union Square in Aberdeen.
5. Haggis

What is it?
Haggis is composed of the heart, liver, and lungs of the sheep mixed with oatmeal and spices and then cooked in the stomach of the sheep. Sounds appetizing right? Imports of haggis in the United States have actually been banned since 1971 due to one ingredient- sheep's lung.
My opinion:
I was fortunate enough to try haggis for the first time during a Burns Night celebration. Burns Night is an annual Scottish holiday that commemorates the Scottish poet Robert Burns. Typically, haggis alongside neeps and tatties (turnips and mashed potatoes) are served for dinner on this holiday. I was extremely nervous to try haggis after hearing the ingredients and staring at the brown lump on my plate. Apparently, haggis is one of the main foods that one must try when visiting Scotland. I was told by numerous people to try haggis. Haggis had the texture of a very dry oatmeal and was quite peppery. I was not a fan of haggis at all and will not be eating haggis anytime soon.
Supermarkets and Butchers
6. Scottish Tablet

What is it?
Scottish tablet appears like vanilla fudge but is not soft and has a rather crumbly texture. Tablet is made from sugar, condensed milk, and butter and is often flavored with vanilla.
My opinion:
I have been on the hunt for Scottish tablet ever since I have heard of it. It was a bit difficult for me to find but I finally got my hands on Scottish tablet! Tablet is one of the sweetest things that I have ever eaten. I can easily equate Scottish tablet to a sugar cube. I could simply taste the grains of sugar. There is a rough texture that is much different than biting into a soft piece of fudge. Surely one of these tablets can cure your sweet tooth. I do not know if I would buy these again but I am glad to have tried them.

Supermarkets. I finally found Scottish Tablet at Lidl.
7. McVitie's Digestives

What is it?
Digestives are biscuits that originated in Scotland in 1839 and were created by two doctors to aid digestion. These biscuits were thought to have antacid properties. These biscuits are extremely popular in the UK and are used to dunk in tea or enjoy as a snack. Today, there are chocolate covered digestives, chocolate covered with caramel (as pictured here), and several other combinations.
My opinion:
The first Digestive that I ever tried was a chocolate caramel Digestive. I enjoyed this biscuit so much that I went to the supermarket to buy a package. I have also tried the milk chocolate Digestives. These are very good cookies and they make the perfect snack. I do not think the name is very fitting, as I do not think these digest well in my stomach. Nevertheless, I will continue to eat these delicious biscuits and hope to try other flavors during my stay here.
Any Supermarket
8. Macaroni Pies

What is it?
A macaroni pie is simply macaroni inside of a pie shell. These pies are are the size of a normal tart and can easily be eaten in one sitting. Typically, cheese is sprinkled on top of the macaroni and then melted.
My opinion?
Carb overload! Let's take macaroni, which is already a high carb meal, and put it inside a carb case. Just like the Fried Mars Bar, I felt extremely unhealthy when eating this, however the macaroni pies were delicious. I will definitely eat more of these but only as a treat. Many other countries have established their own version of the macaroni pie, such as the United States with baked macaroni and cheese and Finland with macaroni casserole. Only Scotland found a way to make this meal even more unhealthy!

Prepared food sections of larger Grocery Stores (Morrisons) and J.G. Ross Bakery
9. Yum Yum

What is it?
A yum yum is basically a doughnut that is drenched in a sugary icing. Yum yums are found in either a twisted shape or a long rectangular shape. This treat is thought to originate in Holland, however when brought to Scotland, the recipe was altered and the Scots began calling this new creation a yum yum.
My Opinion?
I absolutely loved my yum yum! The sugary icing is very comparable to a regular Krispy Kreme doughnut, however the dough is much thicker. I can easily devour a few Krispy Kreme doughnuts but just one yum yum satisfied my hunger and my sweet tooth. These yum yums will surely leave your fingers sticky! It is difficult to explain but there is just something special about a yum yum. The United States and Canada also have the cruller but I still think that the yum yum is better.
Bakery section in Supermarkets or any other bakery. I got mine at J.G. Ross Bakery
10. Shortbread

What is it?
Shortbread is a buttery biscuit that originated in 1736 in Scotland. Shortbread takes three different shapes: round, triangular, or rectangular. This Scottish treat is baked and then sprinkled with sugar. Today, Scottish shortbread is exported all around the world. Countries have developed their own versions of shortbread and many bake this sweet treat in their home kitchens.
My opinion:
I love shortbread! I have had shortbread many times in the United States. The shortbread in Scotland is much thicker and has more butter. I have also never had shortbread with sugar on top. I will definitely purchase more shortbread here. I find Scottish shortbread to be a bit better than the shortbread in the United States. I would actually enjoy trying to bake shortbread. Perhaps when I am back home, I will attempt this.

Any grocery store
11. Butteries/Rowies

What is it?
Butteries or also called rowies are an Aberdeen creation! They are thin pieces of bread that are flaky like a croissant but are very salty and buttery. Butteries were created for the fishermen to take out to sea. The recipe contained high amounts of lard and salt so that the bread would not go stale for two weeks at sea. Today, bakeries sell these butteries and use lard, where as commercial producers use vegetable oil.
My Opinion:
When I first learned about butteries, I was a bit apprehensive to try them. I do not think that a bread product should be able to last that long. I ordered my buttery and then put it in the microwave to soften it. The buttery was very salty but I really enjoyed it. I would definitely eat butteries again. I can not eat too many though. That would not be good for my heart. Just look at the grease that came out from microwaving them. Apparently, toasting them in the toaster is much better.
J.G. Ross Bakery, other local bakeries, and some supermarkets (found in ASDA)
12. Tunnock's Caramel Wafers

What is it?
Tunnock's Caramel Wafers are bars with five layers of wafer with caramel in between each layer and the bar is coated entirely in chocolate.
My Opinion:
I really enjoyed my Tunnock's Caramel Wafer! I did not taste much caramel. To me, it was just a chocolate wafer bar. These make a perfect sweet snack.

Supermarkets, I got a pack of 6 at Pound Land for £1.
I have thoroughly enjoyed trying traditional Scottish foods! As you can see, most of these foods are quite unhealthy. I promise that these are not eaten every day by the average Scottish person. Hopefully I can find even more Scottish foods during my stay here!